A Brief Guide to YouTube Copyright Rules!

We all like to use the internet, to learn, do work, or have fun. Most of the time, we browse social media sites and look at funny clips or listen to music. 

Some people prefer a more involved approach to the internet, through online casinos and a bit of gambling. 

But, some like to actually earn money by using the internet, and thus, they take it upon themselves to start an online business. One of the more popular ways to earn money on the internet is YouTube.

But, being a YouTuber comes with the stress of getting a copyright strike three times. That doesn’t happen that often, but any potential YouTuber should be familiar with its copyright rules. 

Here are the most important things you should know about YouTube copyright rules.

You Don’t Own the Rights! (most of the time)

The first thing to know about using other people’s work, meaning audio/visual, graphics, written work or databases, anything that is in a tangible medium, you don’t own. You cannot use other people’s work unless you get permission from the said people. 

If you use your own computer to create your own graphics and music or video, that is a different story, entirely.

Your own content can be uploaded as freely as you want it. Other people’s content is another store differently. You have to check with the copyright holders if you want to use their content, for example, the publishers who own various music tracks, or the very artists, if they actually own the rights. 

Copyright Claim Vs Strike

These two things are very different. A copyright claim is basically a rights-holder saying that they have claim to the content that you used and now all your profit for that video is theirs. The problem with this is that sometimes people who are not the owners of the rights make copyright claims, just to spite certain youtubers.

A strike is more serious, which you get after your video gets taken down by YouTube because you violated copyright laws. You can have three strikes, and the third means your entire channel and content being deleted permanently. Strikes are taken down from your account after 90 days, provided you didn’t break any other YouTube laws. 

The Thought Doesn’t Matter (nor do the seconds)

You can’t use someone’s content and say fair use or that the rights go to their rightful owners without getting permission from the rights owner. You also can’t use even ten seconds or five or even two or someone else’s content without permission. None of those things matter, if you don’t have permission.

Don’t try to cheat the system, because many have and they ended up losing their channels. Ask for permission or use other content when you can’t obtain it.

YouTube seems complex when it comes to copyright, but in the end, it is simple, do not use other people’s content without permission and you’ll be great.